List Popular - Painting is one of the works of art that can be valuable. Because, a painting is usually made to describe something that might be a message for others.
Like to e, pat this painting that turned out to have a hidden secret message that can make the world become excited.
Then, what kind of paintings? Let's look at the reviews below
1. Monalisa Paintings
Leonardo da Vinci's Monalisa painting turns out to have a secret message unknown to many. A historian in Italy managed to find numbers and letters on the eyes of the painting with the help of a microscope.
He found the letter LV in his right eye which meant his initials, and other symbols in his left eye that could not be defined.
2. The Madonna with Saint Giovannino
This very unique painting is the work of Domenico Ghirlandaio that makes many people have statements about the painting.
The first statement about the apparition that floated black in the sky above Maria's left shoulder. Then, to the right of the painting can be seen a man holding his right arm above his eyes, indicating that this object is very bright, while in the upper left corner we can see objects that look like the sun.
3. The Last Supper
The Last Supper painting is also a painting that holds many secret messages behind it.
An information technology expert, Slavisa Pesci found two characters that looked like the Templars appeared at the end of the table, while someone holding a baby stood to the left of Jesus in the painting.
Then, a Vatican researcher named Sabrina Sforza Galitza stated if Leonardo entered the code using 24 Latin letters to declare this world ends on 1 November 4006.
4. The Creation Of Adam
The painting by Michelangelo The Vreation adam is very famous. According to many people in this painting Michelangelo menyispkan images of the most important human organ icon, the brain.
The brain is described in complex terms of the brain such as the cerebellum, Optional cyst and pituitary gland.
That's his fourth painting that has a secret message in it.
Rabu, 01 November 2017
4 This Painting Has a Secret Message That Makes the World Furore
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