Kamis, 02 November 2017
7 The Most Dangerous Cannibals in the World
This is interesting information from the 7 most dangerous cannibal tribes in the world. which until now still heard of its existence
The name of this tribe is the name of the person who eats others. This tribe is known as the first tribe in the world to practice cannibalism. By sailors commonly called "Carib People of the Lesser Antilles". The name was given by colombus in his notes by mentioning the name "Caniba" (which is another word from kariba meaning "person who eats people"). These tribal people usually do cannibalism to their enemies, but since the entry of Christianity there, slowly the cultural land began to disappear.
2. The Aztecs
The Aztecs were undoubtedly the most brutal tribe before Columbus discovered America by Columbus. They make thousands of human sacrifices every year. The victim is usually in the heart pull that is still in to the presence of a beep while living. Then his body used as a cuisine to be eaten crowded.
3. The original Tribe of America
In the early days of the conquest of the American continent, many historians say that American Indians practiced cannibalism. Although still a debate, many who claim to have evidence of cannibalism practices by Indians. For example the Karankawa Indians in Texas, in 1768 a Spanish priest witnessed and recorded a ritual performed by karankawa to his captive enemy. They surrounded the victim and took turns cutting the victim's skin / flesh and eating it in front of the victim's eyes.
4. Ethnic Tribes in Africa
Residents in this continent still practice cannibalism to this day. Although invisible eyes have never been seen, many eyewitnesses report the existence of human organ trafficking activity there. Accompanied by evidence of the number of immigrants lost while on vacation / passing there. Usually kidnapping is done by criminals. Also mentioned, during the second Congo war and civil wars in Liberia and Sierra Leone frequent cannibalism there.
5. Fijian Tribe
Culture of cannibalism is also known to have spread in the area of Polynesia and malenesia. For example, Fiji is known as the island of cannibalism. A Fijian chief admits to eating 875 people and is proud of it.
6. Korowai Tribe
The korowai tribe in Papua, the Indonesians are known as a tribe that remains in the world and still performs cannibalism to this day. They usually eat their tribe members who are suspected of being magicians. Usually they eat his brain while still in a warm state. Their residence is usually on a tall tree which is useful to protect from its enemies.
7. Maori Tribe
The Maori tribe in New Zealand is a highly documented cannibal tribe. cannibalism has become part of the maori culture, and they never stop eating their enemies. When the British ship, The Boyd, docked and his crew killed a child from the Maori's head, the maoori tribes took revenge by killing and eating the 66 crew. This event is finally known as "Body Massacre".
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