Selasa, 31 Oktober 2017

10 Most Photographed Cities in Europe

List Popular - Althougt it is the world's second smallest continent, Europe welcomes more than half of all the tourists worldwide. In fact, 7 of the 10 most visited countries in the world are European nation, It's easy to see why a well- preserved cultural heritage, rich history, safety and efficient infrastructure visiting Europe a breeze.

So in which European cities people take the most photos? To answer this question we looked at created by computer science profesor Tanel Tammet, Sightsmap is a tool that maps Panoramio photographs taken across the world on an interactive map. According to the generated heatmap these are the most photographed cities in Europe.

1. Rome

The Capital of Italy, Rome is a vast and Complex city that is both historic and modern at the same time. Best known for housing ancient Roman structures and the Vatican City, Rome has endured for more than 2.500 years as an important center for culture, power and religion.

2. Barcelona

Barcelona is one of spain's top travel destinations because it offters everything look for in a European city from historic architecture to lively shoping and bizzing nightlife. Unique to BArcelona are the archittectural marvels of Spain's famous architect, Antoni gaudi, which include the famous Sagrada Familia church.

3. Paris

Attracting more than 45 milion visitor annually, Paris is the world's most popular tourist destination. Dubbed various nicknames like the City of Light, Paris is the capital city of France, known for its romantic ambiance and command in industries like business, entertaiment, gastronomy, Fashion and art and culture.

4. Istanbul 

Once serving as the capital of the Ottoman and Byzantine Empires, Istanbul today is the largest city in Turkey. Istanbul stretches across both sides of the Bosphorus, a narrow strait that connects Asia and Europe, making it the only city in the world spanning two continents.

5. Venice

Located in Norteastern Italy, Venice is an archipelago of 118 island all connected by hundreds of beautiful bridges and scenic canals. Picturesque waterways and historic architecture make Venice one of the most romantic cities in the world.

6. Monaco

The mere mention of Monaco conjures up images of multi milion yachts, money-draining casinos and high priced hotels. While monaco is indeed the perfect playground for the wealthy traveler, the countr has plently to offer less affluent visitors as well.

7. Prague

Prague is a magical city of stunning cathedrals, medieval architecture, vibrant culture,fine dining and energetic atmosphere, making it one of the most visited cities in Europe. ot to be missed is the Prague Castle, the world's largest ancient castle.

8. San Sebastian

San Sebastian is located in the Basque country of North Spain off the coast of the Bay of Biscay. This beautiful seaside city is well-loved for its excellent beachhes and outstanding culinary tradition.

9. Dublin

The capital of the Republic of Ireland, Dublin is surprisingly large for a country with a total population of around two milion people. A city with a thousand year old past, Dublin is both an historical city and a bustling modern day port.

10. Porto

World famous for its production of fine port wine, the busy city of Porto sprawls along the hills overlooking the Douro River in northen Portugal, prized foor both its natural and architectural beauty.
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